Cyberdyne Kimeme

Cyberdyne Kimeme

KIMEME is an innovative multi-objective optimization platform for CAE applications. Based on smart optimization algorithms Kimeme automatically identifies the best combination of design parameters for a product (component or system) to achieve several objective performance levels, while respecting imposed constraints (like cost, manufacturability, etc).

  • Set-up the optimization problem, specifying the design parameters that need to be optimized by Kimeme to reach performance objectives
  • Identify the objectives that should be pursued (maximization of efficiency, minimization of emissions or containment within x and y levels), and the constraints that need to be respected
  • Select the CAE simulation software that are employed within the company to support the design process (CAD, 0D/1D, CFD-3D, FEM...) and create the workflow Kimeme should follow to compute the parameters. Kimeme will automatically integrate and execute the CAE simulation software that have been selected
  • Kimeme assigns values to the free parameters and feeds them to the first CAE software in the workflow, collects the outputs and uses them as inputs for the next software in the workflow. Kimeme’s algorithms will analyze the results and sequentially adjust the initial parameter values, testing them until it obtains a range of “optimal” design parameters that satisfy the user’s objectives

Kimeme also includes a set of data analysis tools to help the user review, understand, filter, and organize outputs in a smart and efficient way.

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